Boarding schools
The best way to get into an elite college is by attending an elite high school. Elite American private schools offer a well-rounded education along with superior opportunities to develop personal interests and talents through extracurricular activities and sports programs. Moreover, these schools have partnerships with many top American universities, giving their students special access to various research and internship positions. This gives students a competitive advantage when applying to colleges in the United States and abroad.
However, applying to American private schools can be a confusing process, especially for those unfamiliar with the American education system. Besides test scores, most schools require personal statements, letters of recommendation, transcripts, activity lists, and more. Hermiona’s team of experts knows that the process can be daunting. We help our clients through every step — from choosing the right school for their student to crafting the perfect admissions essays, to coaching students to rock their interviews.
Our services are personalized, easy-to-use, and delivered by experts who care about each student’s success. We know that getting into boarding school is not easy, but we are here to make the process smoother for both parents and students.

What do we offer?
Tailor-made list of schools (reach, target, safety) prepared on the basis of in-depth personal and academic assessments
Complete admissions support: preparing for SSAT and TOEFL; working with recommenders; brainstorming essay topics; editing drafts; preparing transcripts; filing applications; coaching for interviews; accompanying on campus visits
Motivating the student and keeping parents informed through what can be a difficult and stressful process
Advice on final school selection
Enrollment support
What our clients say about us