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Good test scores on exams like the TOEFL, ACT, SAT, and SAT Subject tests are the first step to admission to a top university because they can demonstrate a student’s commitment to academic excellence. However, with a surfeit of available information, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where Hermiona can help.
The first step to improvement is identifying your strengths and weaknesses. Take a practice TOEFL, SSAT, or SAT exam today and within two days you’ll get back your results along with a detailed breakdown of how you did. Our team of experts analyzes the results not only for overall score, but also to measure the student’s time management, subject mastery, and test-taking strategy before tutoring even begins. We then go through the test with the student to understand his or her thought process while answering the questions. Our team members all received excellent scores on these very tests and have already helped dozens of other students do the same. Now, with Hermiona’s diagnostic testing, you’ll know exactly how to get the most from your study time and ensure your path to success.

What do we offer?
Realistic testing and in-depth analysis to identify areas of improvement
Setting realistic, time constrained improvement targets
Recommended prep (combination of self-study and tutoring)
What our clients say about us